MINOX Maschinenhandels GmbH
Rheintalstr. 41a
68723 Schwetzingen

Hosokawa Micron BV

Dryer TorusDisc TDJS 630 - 3.15

TorusDisc TDJS 630 - 3.15

Hosokawa Micron BV

TorusDisc TDJS 630 - 3.15

Suszarki łopatkowe

TorusDisc : dryer / heater / cooler, indirect heat exchanger with mechanical move of the material.
Method of working : batchwise and continual, with indirect heating,
cooling or production of reactions in solid material, sludges, powder and viscous liquids.

Nr referencyjnyT24182
KategoriaSuszarki łopatkowe / Reaktory / Dryer
ProducentHosokawa Micron BV
MaterialEdelstahl / stainless steel
Rok prod.1994
Pojemnosc1770 ltr
Ciezar5000 kg
Dl. x szer. x wys.4700 mm x 900 mm x 1200 mm

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Minox Machines » Maszyny (nowe i używane)